On the one hand, it was better than the first one, but on the other hand, there were probably more parts that made me skim them quickly. But I’m not sure if that has anything to do with the book itself… I was more interested in the parts narrated by Bellamy and Clarke 😀 I’m Team Bellarke 😀
The plot starts with Bellamy going with Clarke on a search for Octavia’s kidnappers, but along the way, they discover the wreckage of a space pod that was part of the Ark, but that no one knew had been sent to Earth. Moments later, Clarke is bitten by a snake and Bellamy carries her in his arms back to the campsite… 6 miles (so romantic). Meanwhile, at the camp, they discover someone who’s been following them for a while… one of the original inhabitants….. a girl named Sasha. The only people who trust Sasha, however, are Clarke and Wells. Wells even begins to feel some affection for their captor.
In this volume, we witness new relationships and emotions. And we also meet the original colonists and learn two pretty big secrets. SPOILER!!!!!!!!! Clarke discovers that her parents did indeed come to Earth and that they didn’t die fighting the colonists, but set out together to explore other parts of Earth. We also find out that Bellamy and Wells are connected by something other than the need to protect those they love, no matter what the cost, and that Bellamy and Octavia aren’t the only siblings in the universe.
Nothing too deep, but it’s a pretty good book to wind down and shorten a long winter evening.
About book:
Author: Kass Morgan, born and living in Brooklyn (New York, USA)
Published: September 16, 2014
Pages: 320
Series: The Hundred #2
No one has set foot on Earth in centuries — until now.
It’s been 21 days since the hundred landed on Earth. They’re the only humans to set foot on the planet in centuries…or so they thought. Facing an unknown enemy, Wells attempts to keep the group together. Clarke strikes out for Mount Weather, in search of other Colonists, while Bellamy is determined to rescue his sister, no matter the cost. And back on the ship, Glass faces an unthinkable choice between the love of her life and life itself.
In this pulse-pounding sequel to Kass Morgan’s The 100, secrets are revealed, beliefs are challenged, and relationships are tested. And the hundred will struggle to survive the only way they can — together.
(Source: Goodreads)